HALIAS Technologies developped hCollect, a global monitoring plateform system, to provide an easy access to the digital benefits for all companies, whatever their occupatiuons, organisations or specifications.

What is hCollect ?

hCollect is a software solution designed to quickly and simply provide a digital tool dedicated to their activities for production, monitoring and/or services.




  • Whatever the origin

  • Whatever the frequency

  • Data normalization




  • Cloud or local use

  • Make the information available

  • Bring value from data




  • Cloud or local Interface

  • Tailor made HMI

  • Multi-users interface

How does hCollect works ?

Data can be provided by many sources.

Using hCollect, the data origin is not important anymore, the solution will adapt to connect and normalize it to a standard format. All the critical information will be available  in a single place using a single format.

Once raw data are properly stored, hCollect can generate new KPIs based on simple calculations or complex formula (equation, integral, fourier transform, …).

With the combination of raw data and new KPIs, hCollect is proposing specific HMIs dedicated to every role of a company (production, maintenance, security, supply, direction) and can also be used to generate additional information for external solutions using APIs.

What can I expect from hCollect ?

We have listed below several use cases for the hCollect solution. Much more use cases are existing, please contact us for more details.

hCollect can monitor several critical indicators such as industrial productions ratios or security related factors. Users can then easily and quickly establish dashboards to keep an eye on all the necessary criterias.

Few examples :
– Production efficiency ratio monitoring.
– MTBF monitoring of all the critical parts of a production line.
– Human incident monitoring on a warehouse.

hCollect can generate new KPIs based on collected raw data. Those new indicators can be used for operational, or even management followings.

Few examples :
– Water leakage based on the average daily consumption
– Carbon dioxide emission cumparison from a month to another on machining assets.
– Marine debris identification and derivation to protect coasts.

hCollect is a tool that can easily be used to monitor several key indicators to determine the best use of a maintenance squad. It can even go further with digital modelings dedicated to predictive maintenance.

Few examples :
– Alert when the tyre’s pressure of construction machines become too low.
– Alert when a rolling machine provide unattented vibration signals to prevent major failure.
– Use models on sea streams to alert when an external pollution may reach a protected area.

hCollect is used to record a perfect digital model of a process to compare it to the real values from a production one. This approach is used to determine optimization areas on the real process. It can also be used to develop a predictive model to correct the process parameters before it goes out of control.

Few examples :
– Modeling a forest area and its development to provide a predictive model of its financial value within 3 or 5 years.
– Modeling a plant extraction process to identify any drift and propose an appropriate correction to reach the final concentration.
– Create digital models based on acoustic and vibrating inputs to generate an automated identification tool for new sources (train, car, cow, dog, …).

hCollect is combining a storage and a historical management solution for a large amount of data. The platform can then be used to store the whole histories of complex processes to provide useful caracterization information.

Few examples :
– Data storage for samples coming from a mass spectrometer.
– Data storage of acoustic and/or vibration profiles
– Storage of all the data provided by the equipments of a production line to duplicate it on another factory around the world.

You have many internal services and many customers ?
hCollect has an integrated distributed interface  completely secured You are fully mastering the data, and who is allowed to access to it. No need to duplicate internal and external communciation tools, hCollect will provide a unique programable interface to generate internal and external access, respecting the GDRP policy.

Few examples :
– Tailor-made interface for quarries including three access typologies (production performance, maintenance indicators, environmental policies).
– Platform used internally to edit reports on customer’s site interventions and externaly for customers to have a permanent full access to the complete reports historicals.
– Maintenance assistance platform including a specific access for R&D department to generate digital models of the real caracteristics of an equipment on a production line.

hCollect is a platform used to provide additional services for final customers. Those services can be a webportal designed to propose to your customers an access to their data; or an internal solution open for customers access with subscription, on which you will add specific contributions during time.
This platform offers the possibility to generate additional revenues and propose an innovative angle of your business to your customers.

Few examples :
– Plateform used to have an access to a complete set of reports for a customer’s project.
– Webportal used to identify specific woods sellers and buyers on a territory with available quantities and prices.
– Platform used to agregate data from equipments installed on customers factories to propose adapted services with the best price/delay combination.


HALIAS Technologies

57 Chemin du Vieux Chêne
F-38240 Meylan

Tél : +33(0)9 81 90 70 24