End Users
Do you want to monitor your fleet of equipments or increase its performance without a new investment ? By using HALIAS Technologies solutions and services, you can :
- Install a CMS (Condition Monitoring System) that really suits your needs
- Monitor your fleet of equipments with a ready to use industrial monitoring solution
- Process and analyze raw measurements to generate KPIs
- Create the appropriate indicators to increase the knowledge of your fleet
HALIAS Technologies offers a complete solution, allowing you to monitor, calculate, analyze and restitute datas. hCollect® is the latest generation software, based on an experience of 15 years dedicated to collecting, calculating and creating highly valuable indicators. Together with the strong skills of the HALIAS Technologies teammates on software engineering, hCollect® will be able to fulfill every request you may have.
Cloud HALIAS hCollect®
You don’t want to deal with the acquisition and the maintenance of the physical equipments which will operate the plateform ? Select the Cloud HALIAS hCollect. We take care of everything, from the ressources allocation to the regular service maintenance.
This solution is recommanded for applications based on multi-sites management without a private cloud computing capability.
Private Cloud
HALIAS Technologies can shape its solution to your way of working.
If you are already using a private cloud solution, HALIAS Technologies can install its solution on your backbone to use the benefits of your secure environments. We will detail clearly the requested ressources to get the best performances from the plateform and let your ITs deal with it. HALIAS Technologies will only take care of the regular maintenance of the software itself.
This solution is recommanded for applications based on multi-sites management with a private cloud computing capability.
« On Premise » deployment
If your application cannot be installed on cloud whatever the reason, HALIAS Technologies can install it on a physical computer located on your IT system.
On Premise mode will be preferred for single-site use or in the case of a solution requiring a massive amount of local calculations.
EDGE deployment
Are you dealing with complex installations all around the world ? HALIAS Technologies follow you with an EDGE Mode solution in order to provide the most appropriate answer to your requirements.
An EDGE solution means that a part of the application will be installed close to the final equipment, so that it can run complex and multiple calcuations on its own such as collecting raw measurments and generate high value KPIs. A second part of the application is installed on cloud computing (private or not) to assemble and monitor all the measurments and calculations from all the equipments all over the world.
The EDGE mode is the most appropriate solution for multiple sites installations with complex uses and/or advanced process control. It can be dedicated to a single customer or can be used as a benchmarking tool for a complete fleet.
A plateform able to analyze large amounts of data
The hCollect® platform from HALIAS Technologies can collect data from few equipments on a single site or from a multiple type of equipments on multiple sites using the same technical solution. The ressources required for the application will be the only difference.
By this way, HALIAS Technologies can follow your growth whatever the speed without any risk.
A plateform enabling strong, critical and complex KPIs calculations
With hCollect®, your raw measurments will soon melt to gold !
Your sites can generate a lot of valuable informations for you and your customers. However, you will always face the case where a specific information is requested but there is no instrument able to monitor it. With hCollect® from HALIAS Technologies build your own KPI based on the measurments you have and your knowledge. You will then be able to generate the real keys of your success !
Based on existing models
Have you already worked on digital models ? With hCollect® from HALIAS Technologies, you can keep your existing models to add them to the plateform or update them before the transfer.
Enhancing dedicated models
Your skills are specific, as much as your customers skills. HALIAS Technologies can work together with you to build specfic KPIs for your business.
No need to be an expert on digital solutions. Stay focus on your expertise and let HALIAS Technologies deal with your digital services to speed up your growth.
A powerful and innovative way to benchmark
Your production capability is splitted on several plants with different technologies? hCollect from HALIAS Technologies can allow you to investigate, analyze and understand the real behaviour of your assets to help you to get full understanding of you real capabilities.
Use data suitable to your business
Everyone need critical informations from the field. But in general the information requested by Sales Department will be different from the informations requested by R&D Department. With hCollect® from HALIAS Technologies, you can easily display the indicators to each department so that end users don’t have to find their own key features lost in the middle of hundreds of them.
An Advanced Process Control tool
You want to be sure that you get the best from our equipments and process ? HALIAS Technologies can add to its solution hCollect® an Advanced Process Control tool.
With this additional feature, you can analyze all the steps of your process and adapt in realtime the parameters to increase your flexibility and get the best performance, whatever the context.